Allied Academies

Session on: Research on Robotics

Session on: Research on Robotics

The field of robotics is undergoing a revolutionary change, which will impact all aspects of our society. These advances, driven by highly collaborative and interdisciplinary research, will allow robots to perform tasks not suited for humans, to work safely in close proximity and in collaboration with humans, and to operate safely and effectively in natural human environments. Robotics is a new domain of engineering. Robots have been classified depending upon the circuits. These are classified into three types:

 Primary level Robots - These are automatic machines which do not contain complex circuit. They are developed just to extend human potential.

Intermediate level Robots – These are the robots that have been programmed but can never be programmed again. These robots contain sensor based circuit and can perform multiple tasks.

Complex level Robots - These robots are initially programmed to execute a specific task and can be reprogrammed if needed. They contain complex model based circuits.

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