Allied Academies

Professor. Junichi Takeno

Professor. Junichi Takeno
Professor, Department of Science and Technology
Meiji University, Japan

Occupation: Doctor of Engineering, a professor at Meiji University, President of Heuristics Science Research Institute. Activities: General Chair of ICAM94 (International Conference of Advanced Mechatronics, Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers) Guest Professor: Karlsruhe University, Germany, 1994 Trusty of the RSJ, 1998–2000 Aide for the President of Meiji University (2004-2011) Program Committee: IROS 2006. BICA (Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures), Founding Member, Program Committee, 2010– Fellow of the RSJ, 2014 Associative Editor of the ELSEVIER, 2016– Awards: Best Papers: IEA/AIE 2005 Contribution Prize Thesis: ICST 2008 BICA research prize (2017) News Coverage: Discovery Channel (Web) “Robot in touch with its emotions,” Sep. 2005 Discovery Channel (Web) “Robot demonstrates self-awareness,” Dec. 2005 Russia RIA (Russia National TV), 2017 TV Programs: PLANETOPIA, German TV SAT1, Apr. 2008

Research Interest

Autonomous mobile robots, humanoid robots, robot vision, robot facial expressions, robot consciousness, robot mind, robot conscience

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